The State of Ohio mandates that all head Coaches complete a course on "Concussions in Sports". All you have to do is click on the link below and folow the instructions, there is no cost involved:
1. Go to
2. Go to Courses tab, under Free Courses, Select "Concussion in Sports, What you need to know"
3. Hit Order Now. This will require you to fill out the registration field (takes 2 minutes)
4. Once you are registered, you can move forward to take the course.
5. The course takes 20-30 minutes
6. Once you complete the course, you can click the certificate.
7. Close out course tab as directed
8. Back at main site (nfhslearn), you can go to the "My Homepage/Courses" tab under the red banner and
select my completed courses.
9. Select the "View Print Certificate" button, then save the certificate
10. Email the certificate to your commissioner.
If you have any questions, please email your League Commissioner