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Medina Youth Baseball Association

Medina Youth Baseball Association

Recreation League:

Medina Youth Baseball Association Recreation League Mission Statement


Medina Youth Baseball Association Recreation League is an entry level of baseball that offers all players ages 3-18 to play in Spring and Fall (No 3/4 T-ball in Fall). Our focus is to encourage participation, develop character and discipline, promote teamwork, and advocate community pride.  MYBA Recreation League strives to provide quality instruction in the development of baseball skills, sportsmanship, competitiveness, and fair play. We also promote developing core values such as respect, courage, effort, and commitment that will benefit their futures and the community in which we live. MYBA is committed to enriching the lives of our youth and fostering a love of the game by providing our volunteer coaches baseball equipment, training tools, coaching seminars, and practice time on the fields. Our goal is to create a culture in which volunteers, coaches, parents, umpires, and players work together to achieve our mission.

MYBA recreational league is the first level of baseball for players under the Medina Youth Baseball Association. Our recreational league can either be used as a steppingstone into higher and more competitive baseball, or for those who just love the game of baseball but would rather not commit to higher levels of time, competitiveness, and costs.

Details to expect when playing in MYBA Recreational League (Spring Season):

·       Teams are formed through an evaluation process of the players so all levels of skill is equally distributed amongst teams.

·       Spring Rosters are built in the month of March and communicated to coaches and parents by in early April

·       Games typically start the first or second week of May, and end the first week of July

·       Depending on which division your child plays in, expect to play approximately 8-16 games

·       8U – 18U Divisions will automatically be entered into “Playoffs” at the end of the season


Details to expect when playing in MYBA Recreational League (Fall Season- 8U-18U Only):

·       Teams are formed through an evaluation process of the players so all levels of skill is equally distributed amongst teams.

·       Fall Rosters are built in the month of July and communicated to coaches and parents by in late July/early August

·       Games typically start the last week of August, and end the first week of October

·       Depending on which division your child plays in, expect to play approximately 6-12 games

·       8U – 18U Divisions will automatically be entered into “Playoffs” at the end of the season

Swarm Travel Baseball:

The Swarm Travel Baseball Program is MYBA's "entry level" travel baseball opportunity. Swarm teams typically form in an organic way, as the result of like-minded families coming together who have previously developed relationships through playing together in MYBA's Rec League Baseball Program, through other youth sports affiliations, or perhaps through some other community connection (e.g. neighborhood, school, church, etc.). MYBA directs younger age level (i.e. 8U-12U) Swarm Travel teams to play in the Ohio Hot Stove Baseball League’s Lorain County Charter, whereas older age level (i.e. 13U and up) teams are permitted to play in other Northeast Ohio travel baseball leagues such as, for example, the Cuyahoga Valley Baseball Association, Stark Summit Baseball League, etc. Families should understand that Swarm Travel Baseball requires a higher level of commitment of both time and financial resources. Swarm teams are responsible for their own uniforms, and it is common for Swarm teams to train during the pre-season and to play in optional tournaments, all of which are at additional expense to families (i.e. beyond the MYBA basic registration fee). Unlike the MYBA Sting Travel Baseball Program, the Swarm Travel Baseball Program does not conduct a formal tryout and draft. However, MYBA permits established Swarm teams to conduct informal skill evaluation sessions for purposes of filling roster vacancies and in order to assess player readiness for the level of competition expected in the various Northeast Ohio travel baseball leagues.

Travel Baseball-Open Enrollment: (Swarm)

The Travel Baseball-Open Enrollment Program is MYBA's option for "free agent" players, i.e. those who are desiring to play at a more competitive level but who are not yet affiliated to an established team under the Swarm Travel Baseball Program. MYBA will attempt to either find a match for "free agent" players on existing teams, or else form completely new teams if there are a sufficient number of new "free agent" players and also willing and able parent volunteers to manage and coach the new teams. If neither of these options prove feasible, then "free agent" players are offered the option to be transferred to the Rec League Baseball Program.

Sting Baseball Summary

Sting Baseball is the highest level of competitive baseball for players under the Medina Youth Baseball Association affiliated programs.  Sting is the top of the competitive pyramid and puts players on the path to potentially succeed at the high school level.  Sting is club level baseball, and the program is looking for players from all communities who want to compete and develop at a higher level than where they currently are playing.  Sting teams compete in several different leagues within NE Ohio (CVBA, SSBL or OPL).  All teams compete in tournaments both local and out of state.  Our teams range from 8U-14U. 

If your player chooses to tryout and receives an invitation to play for a Sting team, below is an overview of costs and what to expect from the program.


Games Played

On average a Sting team plays a 15-20 game regular season, not including any scrimmages that might be played before league games start or during the season.

Most Sting teams play between 3-7 tournaments in a season.  Most tournaments are 3-5 games. 


Beginning in January, Sting teams will begin winter workouts twice a week at Medina Sports Training Center.  The Sting program pays for the field time from registration proceeds.  There are no additional costs to the teams unless they choose to do something above and beyond what Sting pays for.


Sting Trainers – Sting has independent paid professional trainers to work with the teams and players individually.  Our trainers are former pro and college players as well as current Medina High School coaches.  The program will pay the trainers to work with the teams during the preseason.  Each team or parent can individually utilize the program trainers for lessons at their own expense if they choose.



·       There will be 2 teams for each age group (can be 3 teams) – Black (A) and Gold (B)

·       Approximately 10-12 players will be on each team’s roster.

·       Tryouts will be run by the program trainers and there will be 3-5 evaluators for each age group.

·       Invitations will be extended during or after the tryouts.

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